Sunday, October 4, 2009

sat oct 3 MS BIKE RIDE 50 miles

Hi everyone!

Saturday was the big day and I biked 53 miles in 4 hrs 30 min with rain and heavy wind during the last 20 miles. I rode with a friend and we stayed together and did the whole ride. We were on the road from 10:30 am to 4 pm in total with 3 rest stops.

Started the day with apple, oats, greek yogurt, flax seed meal, and almonds with decaf green tea.

We left Hammonton NJ around 10:30 am. It was cloudy about 65 degrees. I didn't need the warm weather gear. I had a backpack with my rain gear, a snack, extra socks, shorts, a first aid kit, hand sanitizer, & tissues. I wore it on my back - its made for biking. This was a rest stop for the people who started earlier to ride 75 miles. We joined the crowd and took off at a good pace abut 15 miles per hour.

The first leg was 18 miles - to the first rest stop. We refilled our water, hit the port o potty, and got a snack. I brought along one of the protein bars I made from the detox diet book. It was chocolate protein powder, peanut butter, chopped peanuts, and water mixed together and shaped into a bar. I took it out of the freezer and put it in my pack. I ate it at this stop.

The next leg was 12 miles - about a mile before the rest stop, a gentle rain started. We refilled our water, stretched a bit and left to the sound of Michael Jackson's "Beat it" which seemed an appropriate message for getting out of there and into the rain - I donned my rain coat and off we went.

This next 11 miles was pretty hard on me. I was wearing my heart rate monitor and it was beeping almost the entire 11 miles which means my heart rate was over 142 most of the way. We were riding up alot of inclines, in the rain, and the wind started up. So it was a tough 11 miles to the next rest stop. I got off my bike, went to the medical tent to sit in a chair there to see if my heart rate would drop. Usually as soon as I stop it goes right down. It took awhile for it to go down to about 110. I guess it was the adrenaline pumping. During this part of the ride my feet went numb, I guess my body was diverting the blood way from my extremities. So I ate a snack we picked up there - it was a graham cracker with peanut butter and jelly. Drank some water, ate a few orange slices and I felt fine to go one. I told my friend we needed to slow our pace, I could not ride the last 12 miles with my heart rate elevated that high for the rest of the trip.

So we rode about 12 -13 miles per hour and my heart rate monitor didn't beep too often. The final part of the trip involves riding over 2 bridges into Longport and then into Ocean City. The first bridge was longer and we climbed it. Towards the top i could feel my ham strings cramping a bit and it was such a relief to fly down the other side. The next hurdle was the second bridge that has a steeper climb not its not as long as the first bridge. They are less than a mile apart, so to get over the one and then have to climb the second one after when you have just rode almost 50 miles is quite a challenge. We started up the second bridge and my friend lost speed and stopped, so I stopped for her and we decided to walk the 200 feet up to the crest. We had biked 50 miles and it didn't matter we needed to walk this short distance. My calves started cramping immediately and it was hard making that walk. I got back on the bike and the pain subsided. We road into Ocean City to alot of people cheering us on to the finish. My husband and son surprised me by taking a position on the route and cheering me on! We rode to the finish greeted by the mass of people who finished the ride, their family and friends, and hundreds of volunteers. We had to dismount and walk in where we were given a metal for completing the ride. Free food was waiting for us along with a very festive atmosphere. I found my family and my friend found hers. We hung out and then we parted ways. It was a great experience, I was glad I had a friend to share it with.

I was inspired to do this ride when my nephew did it for his Aunt Lisa. I wanted to do it last year but the timing wasn't right. This year I decided early that I was doing this ride and started training all summer. It was not the easiest summer for it though. The month of June was lousy because we had alot of rain. I did a 28 mile ride with a group the end of June, this was the furthest I ever rode. I felt fine afterwards and then I knew I could do the 50 miles. July got messed up when I got bronchitis July 4 and then fell off my bike a week later while at our campground. This messed me up - I had abrasions on my knee, elbow, and hand which took awhile to heal. So that killed July. So I started over again in August and did 20 miles on Labor Day (sept 8). I started this program the next week figuring it would help build some strength and knock some weight off. In week 2 I fell off my bike again when my wheel got stuck between the grass and the sidewalk. I bruised my rib pretty bad an it prevented my from doing my workouts.

I wanted to show my son (he's 11) that even though his mom is overweight and over 50 years old, I could make this happen and accomplish a goal I set for myself. The hug I got from him and my husband was the sweetest victory for me. I didn't think they believed I could do it. My husband didn't want me to ride in the rain and wanted to follow me even though this ride is supported better than anything other charity ride out there. I told him to go home and I'd call him half way through.

When I was in the medical tent, a slim woman came in with a knee problem. She was unable to finish the ride because she was having tremendous pain. We were so close to the finish but she could not continue, I felt really bad for her and I was glad my body was holding up. I had my knee wraps on both knees to protect them in case I crashed and to give myself the extra support. So I feel very fortunate that my body held up against this task and the workouts from this program added to my strength and endurance.

Now I can get back to the program and continue my training. Thanks, Rylan.


  1. Wow! What an accomplishment! Cheers!

  2. Whew well done! I ahve not been on a bike since a teenager, but SOOO many people tell me they have lost heaps of weight afer getting back into cycling. I need to get on a bike and have a go and see where it leads. Seems people quickly get very addicted to it. I am very impressed with your acheivement. I am 41 (just) and right now that would be beyond me, not to say it will always be that way. How long had you been training/cycling before this event?
